The 1856
"Map of Clinton County, New York" is now available as a
reproduction. The original map (a large wall map) was the first
complete view of who lived where in the 13 towns of Clinton
County. 1000s of sites - homes, schools, churches and businesses- are
located and named. All maps and data on the original have been scanned
for this reproduction.
The map is available both as a wall map print and as a CDROM. The wall map
(the original format) comes in two sizes. For the CDROM the map has
been "taken apart" into into separate town and village maps.
To view a sample of what the publication looks like,
click on the link below, or right click an and 'save target as' to
download to your computer. Sample
PDFThis is a greatly
reduced quality copy of the entire publication. Names are illegible,
but this demonstrates the publication format and gives a visual
reference for what is included.